Do you ever walk through your home town, or have a favorite place, and think about how beautiful it all is? All of the colors, working together? The thought struck my brain yesterday as I went out for a run through Charleston, SC. It was a gorgeous day, bright and warm but starting to cool off just a touch, maybe high 70's. There was a light breeze, the sun was shining, I just drank it all in.
And then I started thinking. If I could sum up this town in a series of colors, what would they be?
And of course, being the nerd that I am, I started to wonder if there were corresponding nail polishes. Like how OPI did a 'San Francisco' collection. I started doing some research, and here's what I came up with, with links to the lovely folks who did the swatches!
Firstly, I'd like to introduce Downtown Brown by Maybelline. A brown-blue duochrome, this lovely shade reminded me of the water in the harbor. With all of the rivers feeding into it, it always has a silty undertone with the blue sparkling along the top. I think this polish does a great job at imitating it! I will have to find this one for myself.
Swatch done by The PolishAholic
This shade reminds me of the lime green that the marsh grass takes on when contrasted with the harbor. Almost always scented with salt water and pluff mud, marsh grass really reminds me of home. However, my complexion would not get along with this shade well, personally.
See this page for swatch credit!
This is awesome. What is more Charlestonian than pink and pearls? A lovely pearlescent pink shade, this is OPI Princesses Rule!
See this page for swatches!
This is Chanel's Riva. This is the color of the sky over the city, a lovely light blue. The sky in Charleston always seems to be lighter than anywhere else - perhaps it's the humidity? Anyway, this color is lovely. I may have to pick it up next time I'm near a Chanel display!
Credit here!

Credit here
Has anyone else ever thought of how their hometown or favorite place might be described by polish, or am I the only one?
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