In addition to making a few chemo caps this week in-between repeats on the afghan, I also managed to make significant progress on this! Isn't it looking lovely? That's about 20 repeats of the pattern, measuring around a foot in length unstretched. Adorable. Maybe not quite as wide as I'd calculated (I think I'm about 75" instead of 90") but it looked so nice I couldn't bear unraveling it. VERY time consuming; about 45 min - 1 hour per repeat, depending on how interested I am in the TV program I have running at the time. :)
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Strings & things
Well have I got a post of epic proportions for you! Let me start with this gem, one of the new Holiday 2013 Essie shades, "Parka Perfect."
This lovely shade is a nice blue-green, when I was expecting more of a baby blue. It really reminds me of a slightly darker version of my beloved 'Turqoise and Caicos,' so of course I adore this one. There was a lot of shimmer in the bottle that didn't really translate to the nail, unfortunately. It DID wear like iron, with two coats, a base and a top and after a week it is barely worn. Really pretty shade, looks blue against a blue background and green against green. Will wear this lovely all year round. I also got the red glitter from this collection - can't wait to wear that one! :)
Lovely Parka Perfect |
Speaking of chemo caps, my little fingers took a short break for Thanksgiving but are now back at work! Here are a few of the striped lovelies I've constructed this week!
This lovely cap was made using a basic eyelet pattern in place of the stockinette stitch for the bottom. I started with about 10 rows of stockinette, then one repeat of a 16-row eyelet pattern, and then continued in basic roll-brim style. Voila!
These beauties are what I'm most excited about. I was home last weekend admiring my great-grandmother's afghan in the spare room, and I started thinking about how she'd made it for her bed all those years ago. Then I thought, why shouldn't I make a giant knitted afghan too?? Definitely the most ambitious project I have thus-far undertaken, at least in size. The pattern is really simple. I found a pattern on Ravelry, here, that is EXACTLY the same as my great-grandmother's afghan. So perfect. I picked out a few colors of Red Heart Soft and got some long circular needles. I really do like Red Heart for blankets, and it actually is pretty soft after washing. And economical. And the soft stuff was like 50% off at my local craft store. Score.
I'll let you know how it goes with the afghan. I plan to get started tonight as soon as I finish this hat! :)
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Dior "Rouge Red 999"
The little gift case! Ignore the water marks... |
Friday, November 22, 2013
Roll-brim mania and spiral hats
For this hat I used Impeccable yarn in Folklore and Cherry.
Size 9 straight needles
Cast on 80
Work in K2, P2 rib for 6 rows
Knit 1 row
Work in following pattern until hat measures ~7 inches:
Row 1: P1, *p2tog, yo, repeat to last stitch, p1
Row 2: K1, *yo, k2tog, repeat to last stitch k1.
Repeat ad infinitum.
To decrease:
k2 tog for a row
purl a row
k2 tog
repeat, until 10 stitches remain. Cut an 18" tail, thread onto a big needle, and run it through the loops on the needles. Pull tight, sew down the seam being careful to keep the edges matched as the slant makes it tricky.
I've also been knitting my silly little hands off with the following roll-brim hats for my local Chemo Caps society - how adorable are these?!
This is just so bright and cheery! Love!! |
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Baby foxes!
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, ALL of my girlfriends are pregnant. One of my very best friends is having a little boy, and the theme of the nursery (and baby's middle name!) is Fox! How stinkin' adorable. Anyway, I've been knitting up hats and blankets for him like a crazy person, and I came across this baby fox hat pattern. OMG. I can't event describe how cute. I needed to make this, stat!
The front! |
I combined two different patterns, sort of. I started with size 8 needles and Red Heart Soft yarn in Black and Tangerine, and Impeccable yarn in Aran. I didn't even know Red Heart made super-soft yarn! I'm a big fan of Red Heart, mostly because it's cheap and when I screw things up I don't feel bad about tossing it, but for baby hats and chemo caps I really want something super duper soft, which traditional Red Heart is not.
Size 8 needles
Cast on 56 stitches
Work in *K2,P2 for 6 rows, then stockinette until it reaches ~5 inches in length. Decrease as follows (and as written in the previous baby hat post):
1. *K6, k2tog, repeat
2. Purl
3. *K5, k2tog, repeat
4. Purl
5. *K4, k2tog, repeat
6. Purl
7. *K3, k2tog, repeat
8. Purl
9. *K2, k2tog, repeat
10. Purl
11. *K1, k2tog, repeat
12. Purl
13. *K1, k2tog, repeat
Cut a long (~18") tail, put a big needle on the end and slip it back through the stitches on your knitting needle, draw tight, sew down the seam, and you're done!
The back! |
Now the fun part - the EARS!
You have two options here. You can use this link for your ears, or this one. I used the second, which was sized-down by another Ravelry user for babies here -> Check THIS one out! I used his pattern exactly for the ears, so I won't repost the pattern here. But seriously, you should check it out.
Modeled by a baby pumpkin :) |
Foray into crochet!
Cute little yellow flower! |
So I am NOT a crochet-er by nature. I like knitting - nice straight lines (mostly), predictable rows. Crocheting is just so ... free. I think it was made for people more artsy than me. :) Regardless, it comes in really handy sometimes, like adding a border to a baby blanket - or adding a flower decoration to a new roll-brim hat! I'm really making like a hat a day at this point. So quick and so rewarding, and using up my stash so nicely!
Naked hat! Eek! |
This was a basic roll-brim hat, see back a few posts for a pattern. This was actually made on size 8 needles as the yarn was a bit finer - Bernat Baby Coordinates. It may be a little hard to tell on the photo but it is this nice light gray with a strand of white. And it's super soft!
For the flower, I used this tutorial from Scrapbooks and Cards Today. It is SUPER basic. I will probably branch out to more exotic flowers and things eventually, but for my level of crochet skill it was perfect. I highly recommend this site! It took maybe 15 minutes, start to finish.
Ta-da! |
Monday, November 18, 2013
Baby roll-brim knit hat
Alternate 2 rows blue with 2 rows white |
Here is the pattern for the baby version of the classic roll-brim hat. It's pretty much the same as the adult, but smaller. :) Takes about 3 hours start to finish - not bad!
You'll need:
Size 8 needles, preferably long ones
Baby yarn (I'm currently using Bernat Baby and I've used the Caron Super Soft and they are awesome!)
Cast on 56 stitches
Work in stockinette (knit a row, purl a row) until piece measures about 4 1/2 to 5 inches, depending on size of baby.
Decrease as follows:
Modeled by a pumpkin :) |
1. *K6, k2tog, repeat to end
2. Purl
3. *K5, k2tog, repeat
4. Purl
5. *K4, k2tog, repeat
6. Purl
7. *K3, k2tog, repeat
8. Purl
9. *K2, k2tog, repeat
10. Purl
11. *K1, k2tog, repeat
12. Purl
13. *K1, k2tog, repeat
Cut your yarn long (~18 inches) and thread it through a needle. Then slip the needle back through the loops still on your knitting needle, draw tight, sew down your seam, and voila! Baby hat!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Maybelline "Downtown Brown"
You can really see the blue duochrome here |
Apology and new beginnings!
So I've been absent for a while for many reasons- life changes being the most important. However, I've also become pretty happy with the 50+ nail shades that I own and will probably not be adding to the nail blog as much as before. Besides, I'm currently wearing Essie 'Chinchilly' and I doubt I'll wear anything else all winter. So fun!
I've decided to make this blog more of a hobbies blog, whatever strikes my mood at the time. Whether it be cooking, baking (especially now that it's near the holidays!!) or knitting. I'm going to start with knitting!
I taught myself to knit in college. Not sure why, but I did. Since then I've literally made dozen of blankets, scarves, hats, etc. I don't like the pieces that require lots of attention - like socks, sweaters, anything shaped. I like big block things that I can work on while watching TV and not worry about mis-counting my stitches.
Recently I was cleaning the house and came across my (not-insignificant) yarn stash. Since I've got some more free time on my hands these days, and because it's chilly!!, I decided to start making hats. I plan on giving them to the local society for chemotherapy patients, and use up my yarn stash at the same time. Its a win-win scenario!
Also, I hate knitting in the round. And dpns. They are the devil. I'll post pictures of the hats I've made PLUS instructions for making them on STRAIGHT needles, if you like.
I'm starting with a simple roll-brim hat. Each one takes me a few hours, maybe 5-6. One seam, easy-peasy!
Use any yarn you like that's a light to medium, based on this website (or a '3' to '4', something like worsted weight or DK weight). Here is the pattern I quasi-made up, and quasi-borrowed from the million standard rolled-brim patterns online. Here is mine. :)
Size 9 needles, cast on 81 stitches
Work in stockinette pattern (knit a row, purl a row) until piece measures approximately 7 inches in length. Decrease as follows to obtain stellate crown:
1. *K8, k2tog, repeat to end
2. Purl
3. *K7, k2tog, repeat to end
4. Purl
5. *K6, k2tog, repeat to end
6. Purl
7. *K5, k2tog, repeat to end
8. Purl
9. *K4, k2tog, repeat to end
10. Purl
11. *K3, k2tog, repeat to end
12. Purl
13. *K2, k2tog, repeat to end
14. Purl
15. *K1, k2tog, repeat to end
16. Purl
17. *K1, k2tog, repeat to end
18. You should have ~10 stitches left (I forget exactly how many) - cut the end of your yarn leaving ~18 inches. Using a needle, threat remaining stitches onto the tail and draw tight. Sew seam with hat inverted to leave a neater seam. Tie tail to the cast-on yarn, snip the ends, and you're all done!
I've decided to make this blog more of a hobbies blog, whatever strikes my mood at the time. Whether it be cooking, baking (especially now that it's near the holidays!!) or knitting. I'm going to start with knitting!
I taught myself to knit in college. Not sure why, but I did. Since then I've literally made dozen of blankets, scarves, hats, etc. I don't like the pieces that require lots of attention - like socks, sweaters, anything shaped. I like big block things that I can work on while watching TV and not worry about mis-counting my stitches.
Recently I was cleaning the house and came across my (not-insignificant) yarn stash. Since I've got some more free time on my hands these days, and because it's chilly!!, I decided to start making hats. I plan on giving them to the local society for chemotherapy patients, and use up my yarn stash at the same time. Its a win-win scenario!
Also, I hate knitting in the round. And dpns. They are the devil. I'll post pictures of the hats I've made PLUS instructions for making them on STRAIGHT needles, if you like.
Use any yarn you like that's a light to medium, based on this website (or a '3' to '4', something like worsted weight or DK weight). Here is the pattern I quasi-made up, and quasi-borrowed from the million standard rolled-brim patterns online. Here is mine. :)
Size 9 needles, cast on 81 stitches
Work in stockinette pattern (knit a row, purl a row) until piece measures approximately 7 inches in length. Decrease as follows to obtain stellate crown:
2. Purl
3. *K7, k2tog, repeat to end
4. Purl
5. *K6, k2tog, repeat to end
6. Purl
7. *K5, k2tog, repeat to end
8. Purl
9. *K4, k2tog, repeat to end
10. Purl
11. *K3, k2tog, repeat to end
12. Purl
13. *K2, k2tog, repeat to end
14. Purl
15. *K1, k2tog, repeat to end
16. Purl
17. *K1, k2tog, repeat to end
18. You should have ~10 stitches left (I forget exactly how many) - cut the end of your yarn leaving ~18 inches. Using a needle, threat remaining stitches onto the tail and draw tight. Sew seam with hat inverted to leave a neater seam. Tie tail to the cast-on yarn, snip the ends, and you're all done!
Placed over a handy jar. :) |
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Essie "Wicked"
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Sinful Colors "Leather Loose"
Did I mention this polish is amazing? Yes, it has an amazing color - but I've worn it for 3 days with barely any tip wear. And Chanel made it barely a day without major chippage, for 19x the cost. I daresay that this wins in my opinion. This polish really made a splash in the nail polish community, and it's easy to see why. This polish is an A++ in my book. Be sure to google it and see all of the gorgeous photos folks have taken to prove it to yourself, and then go out and buy it. It's well worth the $2.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Colors of Charleston
This is a type of post that has been rattling around my brain for a while.
Do you ever walk through your home town, or have a favorite place, and think about how beautiful it all is? All of the colors, working together? The thought struck my brain yesterday as I went out for a run through Charleston, SC. It was a gorgeous day, bright and warm but starting to cool off just a touch, maybe high 70's. There was a light breeze, the sun was shining, I just drank it all in.
And then I started thinking. If I could sum up this town in a series of colors, what would they be?
And of course, being the nerd that I am, I started to wonder if there were corresponding nail polishes. Like how OPI did a 'San Francisco' collection. I started doing some research, and here's what I came up with, with links to the lovely folks who did the swatches!
Firstly, I'd like to introduce Downtown Brown by Maybelline. A brown-blue duochrome, this lovely shade reminded me of the water in the harbor. With all of the rivers feeding into it, it always has a silty undertone with the blue sparkling along the top. I think this polish does a great job at imitating it! I will have to find this one for myself.
Swatch done by The PolishAholic
Next up is OPI Who the Shrek are you? I must admit I had no idea that OPI had a line of Shrek-inspired polishes, how fun!
This shade reminds me of the lime green that the marsh grass takes on when contrasted with the harbor. Almost always scented with salt water and pluff mud, marsh grass really reminds me of home. However, my complexion would not get along with this shade well, personally.
See this page for swatch credit!
This is awesome. What is more Charlestonian than pink and pearls? A lovely pearlescent pink shade, this is OPI Princesses Rule!
See this page for swatches!
This is Chanel's Riva. This is the color of the sky over the city, a lovely light blue. The sky in Charleston always seems to be lighter than anywhere else - perhaps it's the humidity? Anyway, this color is lovely. I may have to pick it up next time I'm near a Chanel display!
Credit here!
Lastly, Revlon's Rainforest. A deep green with lighter green flecks, this is supposed to remind one of jungles. However, it screams pine trees to me. I got this shade to wear at Christmas and I just can't wait!
Credit here
Has anyone else ever thought of how their hometown or favorite place might be described by polish, or am I the only one?
Do you ever walk through your home town, or have a favorite place, and think about how beautiful it all is? All of the colors, working together? The thought struck my brain yesterday as I went out for a run through Charleston, SC. It was a gorgeous day, bright and warm but starting to cool off just a touch, maybe high 70's. There was a light breeze, the sun was shining, I just drank it all in.
And then I started thinking. If I could sum up this town in a series of colors, what would they be?
And of course, being the nerd that I am, I started to wonder if there were corresponding nail polishes. Like how OPI did a 'San Francisco' collection. I started doing some research, and here's what I came up with, with links to the lovely folks who did the swatches!
Firstly, I'd like to introduce Downtown Brown by Maybelline. A brown-blue duochrome, this lovely shade reminded me of the water in the harbor. With all of the rivers feeding into it, it always has a silty undertone with the blue sparkling along the top. I think this polish does a great job at imitating it! I will have to find this one for myself.
Swatch done by The PolishAholic
This shade reminds me of the lime green that the marsh grass takes on when contrasted with the harbor. Almost always scented with salt water and pluff mud, marsh grass really reminds me of home. However, my complexion would not get along with this shade well, personally.
See this page for swatch credit!
This is awesome. What is more Charlestonian than pink and pearls? A lovely pearlescent pink shade, this is OPI Princesses Rule!
See this page for swatches!
This is Chanel's Riva. This is the color of the sky over the city, a lovely light blue. The sky in Charleston always seems to be lighter than anywhere else - perhaps it's the humidity? Anyway, this color is lovely. I may have to pick it up next time I'm near a Chanel display!
Credit here!

Credit here
Has anyone else ever thought of how their hometown or favorite place might be described by polish, or am I the only one?
Chanel "Vamp"
Ah, Chanel Vamp.
A little disappointed with the wear on this. The color IS fabulous, but at $27 / bottle I expect no less. I am sure I will wear this anytime I want to feel extra-special, but this started chipping on Day 1 and the pictures below were taken on Day 3 - ew! WAY less durable than Essie or Opi shades. I will try to do a comparison with some of the other vampy colors I have!
In short, if you want to buy a piece of history, and don't mind the price, this is perfect. The color is stunning, but takes awhile to dry even with a fast-dry top coat, and doesn't wear well. I'd give it an A.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Essie "Bordeaux"
Am seriously drooling over this color right now. A gorgeous dark wine red, not quite vampy, is Essie's "Bordeaux." A pure red without hints of berry or purple, this shade will be the perfect start to fall. I think it looks quite chic in person. It is a nice jelly red, opaque with minor pigment variations noted in two thin coats and some visible nail line, but only on camera. Can't see it in person. I am actually going to re-apply this color now - absolutely adore it, great formula, no staining. A++!
Natural light. My natural complexion is pasty. |
Artificial light. One week tip wear! |
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
OPI "Alcatraz.... ROCKS"
Top Coat on index and ring fingers |
"Alcatraz...ROCKS" is a medium navy jelly that is just FULL of sparkle - gold, purple, even a little green. It is almost hypnotic. You aren't supposed to add a top coat to this, but I did anyway. It wasn't really as 'matte' as advertised, the sparkle was SUPER prominent and the texture wasn't as gritty as anticipated (I guess I was expecting sand paper! This was very fine). I did use one coat of Seche Vite top coat, and the color became darker and deeper. There is literally TONS of sparkle on this color. It's unlike anything I've ever tried. Really a dizzying color. A+ : totally unique, gorgeous color, easy-peasy application.
Close-up of the shimmer |
Top coat on index and ring fingers. Ignore the messy application, it cleaned up easily, I swear! |
Essie "Allure" and ORLY "French Tip"
So "Allure" is a very nice sheer pink/white that makes your nails look clean and well, polished. Nothing special, just sophisticated. I'd give it an 'A'.
This dang polish though? Sticky, goopy, takes forever to dry, and once I removed the stickers managed to smudge all over EVERYTHING -- I removed this manicure after 24 hours, I couldn't stand the icky lines any more. Will probably try again with a different polish. Will likely NEVER use this ORLY polish again. YUCK.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Essie "Maximillian Strasse-her"
Some bright sunlight, some shade. :) |
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